371-396: Behind On Posting, Movie Watching Machine!!!
Hey everyone, so I have been really behind on posting. I don't want to go through everything and make individual posts, it will take too long and it is causing me anxiety that I don't need. So here are the movies I have watched back to back and in loads of amounts, so then you are caught up in real time. I might put a sentence or two about the movie, we shall see. Thanks for being patient! I know you are all thinking how am I going to get this goal done, but I am in the T's and almost there!!! Watching 3-4 a day. I'm thinking I might just do mass ones from now on until I finish. I wish I could do more, but I am focused on getting this done and doing my work at home job along with painting. So close to completing my goal. :) 371: Star Wars Episode 2: The Clone Wars - My favorite of the prequel movies of the original ones released. 372: Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith 373: Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope 374: Star Wars Episode 5: