
371-396: Behind On Posting, Movie Watching Machine!!!

Hey everyone, so I have been really behind on posting. I don't want to go through everything and make individual posts, it will take too long and it is causing me anxiety that I don't need. So here are the movies I have watched back to back and in loads of amounts, so then you are caught up in real time. I might put a sentence or two about the movie, we shall see. Thanks for being patient! I know you are all thinking how am I going to get this goal done, but I am in the T's and almost there!!! Watching 3-4 a day. I'm thinking I might just do mass ones from now on until I finish. I wish I could do more, but I am focused on getting this done and doing my work at home job along with painting. So close to completing my goal. :) 371: Star Wars Episode 2: The Clone Wars - My favorite of the prequel movies of the original ones released. 372: Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith 373: Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope 374: Star Wars Episode 5:

365: Spider-man 3

I know I already had this post a long time ago, I am too frazzled to try and figure out how to undelete, but it is gone. Just putting this here to say that it was deleted by accident. What can I say about the movie a second time? Not the best, it was okay. Hated how they did Venom and the Sandman could've been better, but wasn't as bad as Venom. There. Done. Moving on! Tori M.

371: Star Wars Episode 1 - Phantom Menace

Cue opening theme. Star Wars is life. I LOVE Star Wars and in this movie, I love Darth Mal. He is my all time favorite in Star Wars and I remember when this came out being little, my brother got the double sided lightsaber and we had another I believe. We would go outside in our big yard and have fights, pretending to be jedi knights. I wish the Force was real so bad, it is awesome. Now I know that the prequel movies weren't a huge hit with fans of the original ones that released first. I don't care, I grew up during this release and watched the original ones on recorded VHS. Jar-Jar was a riot for me, quoting him all the time. Now that I am older, I can see how he can be ridiculous and kind of annoying, but I still like him. Maybe not love him anymore, but it has moved to like. There are just so many memories of watching this on VHS, in my small house that wasn't meant for a family of 4, but just going to a different world. Or worlds even. I can imagin

370: Star Trek

I know there are three movies, but I only own this one. I have seen the second, it was just okay to me. I haven't seen the third, so that is something I need to do at a later date. I personally just like this one the best, it is the start of it all and becoming a team. It wasn't until this movie came out that I found out where my mom got the phrase, "Damn it Jim" from. The original series, which Starsky and Hutch, I haven't seen. *shrugs* And I am completely okay with that. If this is the only Star Trek I see in my life, it is not the end of the world. Chris Pine is hilarious and does a great job of being that cocky, but sure-fire leader. I think my favorite part in this movie is when he gets smuggled onto the Enterprise by being injected with some kind of virus and having a bad reaction to the antidote. Tori M.

369: Starsky & Hutch

Personally I like this. I have never seen the television show, it was before I was born. Yeah, it does get a little uncomfortable at times with how Ben Stiller can be, but I mainly like this movie for the car. Sweet ride. Also they do a good job of recreating the time they are in and included the original Starsky and Hutch at the end!! Although it does make me wonder if I really like this enough to keep it, I don't watch it that much and I have so many movies already. So that is definitely going to be a personal debate that I have to come to a conclusion on. Tori M.

368: Spy Next Door

JACKIE!!!!! I how I love you. He pulls off the physical comedy so well, while doing his own stunts with martial arts. He is a rare find and I am glad that you has shared his talents and personality with the world. What is really good about this movie is that it is more kid friendly. When I say kid friendly, I mean no swearing, no blood, and more kid-slapstick humor. For instance there is a part when the bad guy is in the house and the mom of the house shuts the swinging kitchen door on her. It opens to reveal her lipstick smeared and she spits out teeth. Doesn't make sense, but a kid would laugh. Even though this is more tame, I still like it. I mean, come on. It is Jackie Chan. :) Tori M.

367: Spy

I am really behind now, I am almost done with the S's in real time, but at this point in blog I am pretty far back. 😅 First off, I have seen this so many times and it is still hilarious. I mean I think what adds to it is that Jason Statham is normally pretty badass and in this movie he pretty much talks the talk, but he doesn't walk the walk. He screws up, even when he keeps telling Susan she is going to screw up and in fact she saves him, gets the job done and proves everyone wrong about her being just a secretary. Really if you like hilarious, gut busting comedy, you have to watch this. It makes fun of being a spy, but at the same time brings it into such a new light. It is honestly one of my favorites. Tori M.