371: Star Wars Episode 1 - Phantom Menace

Cue opening theme.

Star Wars is life. I LOVE Star Wars and in this movie, I love Darth Mal. He is my all time favorite in Star Wars and I remember when this came out being little, my brother got the double sided lightsaber and we had another one...green I believe. We would go outside in our big yard and have fights, pretending to be jedi knights. I wish the Force was real so bad, it is awesome. Now I know that the prequel movies weren't a huge hit with fans of the original ones that released first. I don't care, I grew up during this release and watched the original ones on recorded VHS. Jar-Jar was a riot for me, quoting him all the time. Now that I am older, I can see how he can be ridiculous and kind of annoying, but I still like him. Maybe not love him anymore, but it has moved to like.

There are just so many memories of watching this on VHS, in my small house that wasn't meant for a family of 4, but just going to a different world. Or worlds even. I can imagine what it was like for the original trio to be released, taking place in people's hearts and minds. It's a great world and I even have a Build-A-Bear bunny in Jedi clothes, a mini stuffed lightsaber that makes the sounds, and the theme song in its chest. I have this tradition where I watch Star Wars for Valentine's day, marathon it really, and have done it for 5 or 6 years. It is not going to stop either.

Tori M.


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