397-461 The End

Last and final mass movie post! I finally did it guys/gals, I completed my movie goal today!!!! I can't believe that I watched 461 movies in one year! I also can't believe I own that many movies! Now I did give some away and weeded some out, but I mean, seriously. This is insane and I am so proud of myself. Finally completing something that I said I would do, that is so huge. The feeling of doing something like this and going through it, I know that someone can do anything as long as you are determined. There were days that I just didn't want to watch the next movie in line, I wasn't in the mood for it and I had to just do it. I will procrastinate like no other, but I somehow forced myself. Here are the remaining movies of the goal:


Can you believe it? Now the moment of truth, the picture of my movies to show you that yes I do own all of these. Now some of these, are digital...about 8 or so are split between my Xbox store, my Amazon and iTunes.

Thank you for joining me on my A to Z adventure! What was your favorite movie that I watched in this goal? Would you do this yourself? What goals do you have that you want to accomplish, big or small, logical or not? It can be done, as you have seen. Hopefully I brought you some laughs, down memory lane and even gave you some new movies to watch. Happy New Year, time for me to complete more goals. :)

Tori M.


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