363: Spider-man

I know, I know. Everyone is divided on the movies with Toby, but you know what? I grew up on it and I loved it. I remember seeing it in theaters and how everyone wanted to get the web blaster on the front of the cereal boxes or at the toy store. I'm not saying I don't like the new Spider-man, the one in Avengers. I didn't really like the other ones with Andrew Garfield, but I did like him in it...I know, I'm weird right? Fans of the comics and movies are probably reading this and shaking their heads right now. It's okay, I am used to it.

So even though I do love this movie, I kind of don't like Mary Jane all that much. I love the concept of him being altered where the webs shoot from out of him, rather than web shooters like how it is supposed to be. Which is something that people really didn't like about this movie. I'm the minority I am sure. I will always love this movie and never let others deter me from from doing so. :)

Tori M.


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