350: Sherlock Holmes - Game of Shadows

I know I said I love the first movie, but the second movie is 10x better and I didn't think it was possible to get better. Sherlock/Robert dressed as a woman telling Watson to lay with him just about proves it wrong, as well as other things. They are travelling outside of London, dancing with gypsies, running away from anarchist groups, firing massive advanced weaponry in Germany, throwing people off trains and waterfalls...I could go on and on. Never ending awesomeness, although not so awesome is the death of Sherlock's love and sometimes enemy. The famous Moriarty is introduced and I love who they chose. Of course when you watch both the first movie and this one right after the other, there is a huge difference between that Moriarty and this one. *shrugs* Whatever, it happens.

I love the game of cat and mouse between Sherlock and Moriarty and the end game of chess. Knowing each others moves, knowing the chess board so well without having to look at it. Two amazing minds in a battle of wits, just not the Princess Bride kind. They would already know the answer to that if they were there. This is my favorite of the two movies and I can't wait to hear more about the 3rd movie that was finally confirmed earlier this year that is slated for 2020.

Tori M.


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