348: Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure

I remember the day my mom came home with this movie. She bought it because she thought it looked cute and it came in a book size, pink clutch wallet. The movie is her's and I had commandeered the wallet at the time. Back when this first came out. I have to admit, this movie is pretty darn cute and it mainly is because of the dogs! It's also great to see Sharpay completely out of her element, taking on the world on her own, having her first crappy apartment, actually working...even though you see major growth in character in this movie from her, you can't help but be glad that she got her just desserts being treated horribly by someone who is just like her. See how it feels. And in the process, she learns that she was a horrible person and was already changing from that experience, as well as her lovely neighbor and friend.

In the end, her dream comes true and the Sharpay we know and love to hate is now someone we just absolutely love. Also, it would be interesting if they made a reunion movie for High School Musical and she shows up and she is not the Sharpay that everyone knew. Their minds would be blown. Unless in that time frame, she got a big head again. Who knows?

Tori M.


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