344: Shallow Hal

"Shallow Hal wants a gal."

I freaking love this movie. It is hilarious and the first time you see Gwen in a comedy! When you watch the behind the scenes and she mentions how she didn't want to differentiate between the outer Rosemary and the inner Rosemary. Shallow Hal spotlights how as humans we are all shallow in some way and we also need to stop being so hard on ourselves. See ourselves and others like Hal does when he sees Rosemary. It hits on some good topics, especially the..."You have a great personality, but..." I think everyone has been told that. Those people who put us in the friend-zone because we have a good personality but don't look like they want. Well, you put them into the friend-zone too. They don't deserve your awesome personality and the amazing package it comes in, they are just simply not the one for you to chase.

Even though this movie flips perspective on its head, it has a great love story, great humor and just never gets old no matter how many times you watch it. One of my favorite Jack Black movies for sure.

Tori M.


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