341: Scooby Doo

The live action of Scooby-Doo is just awesome. I know that the special FX could be better if done today, but I wouldn't change this movie or have it any other way. The casting is perfect, especially with respects to Shaggy. He plays the surfer hippy dude too well and looks the part. I have seen this so many times, I can quote it and remember that fart scene? Yeah, still hilarious. 😆

I recently found my paperback movie book. Remember when they used to come out with those in the early 2000? I have that one and Freaky Friday apparently, I would flip through those books and look at the pictures all the time. I also have the soundtrack to both and know the songs by heart from this. After all this time, I still love this movie and can't believe I don't have the sequel! Scooby-Doo forever!

Tori M.


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