340: Saving Mr. Banks

Okay, so this is my 4th time seeing this movie. DON'T google this lady and what she was like, if you don't want to absolutely loathe her in this movie and think just how she doesn't deserve the happy redeeming ending they gave her personality...then you will be fine. Ha, ha. I mean, wow. For someone to write some amazing stuff, go and travel to other places to learn about the culture and mythology of the places, only for her to have a major stick up the ass and other things I won't mention with her family. I mean yeah it probably wasn't nice of Walt Disney to constantly go after her and pressure her to give him the rights, to make her come around to animation when she really didn't want it and the singing and dancing.

Then again, Mary Poppins is a classic and beloved by everyone from that movie. I never read the books, so I wouldn't know just what they were like exactly. I understand both points of view in the movie, especially if you have seen the film representation of Walt's life on Netflix and understand what he was talking about with Mickey Mouse. I think anyone who has created something, art, film, characters, books, etc., that is hard to let it go and be molded into something for the world to see beyond the original form. You can see how someone could become so set in their ways from their past explained and you can also just shake your head.

Even though I might not like the person who created Mary Poppins, I do like this movie. The actors do such a fantastic job, the scenes are well done and beautiful to watch a throwback to another period in time. If you watch this and do not google things, you will love this. If you do what I did, which was a big mistake, you might like it less. I do recommend it though, after all...it is about the story of how Mary Poppins became a movie and saving the one person in it no one ever suspected...Mr. Banks.

Tori M.


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