336: Sandlot

A classic! Legends never die!

Yet another movie I have grown up on involving baseball. I would rather play sports than watch them, but I was never really good at baseball like Smalls was. I could throw, but I couldn't hit a ball to save my life. I'm more of a basketball person. I know my strengths. Anyways, when I was younger and saw this I wanted to be just like those guys. I wanted to have a place to go to just play some ball with some friends. Well, in Elementary school I did have a group of guys that I hung out with and played soccer, tag and basketball with. I was such a tomboy.

I realized while watching this again that the reason why I love this movie and Rookie of the Year, is because it is a movie about baseball that involves kids and tons of humor. I'm sorry folks, I need humor. Who doesn't quote all the time, "For-ev-ER," and, "You're killin' me Smalls,"? If you don't and you have never heard these phrases, or you have heard these phrases but never knew where they came from...then you need to stop right now and watch this. It is a part of movie history. Also fun fact, it was filmed around where I grew up back in Utah.

Tori M.


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