329: Robin Hood Men in Tights

I grew up on this. Whenever my cousins would come over to stay with my grandma next door, we would have sleepovers and we would watch this movie. We would also watch Hook and the original real action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but this one we watched so much that we memorized it. Every time someone nearby says, "I'm so happy," we have to turn around and say it just like Maid Marian. There are so many great lines, I would have to post the entire script on this to show just how great. The songs are catchy and hilarious, the many movie references they are making and making fun of are endless and fantastic, and the historical inaccuracies are purposeful and genius.

Honestly, I think I have seen this movie 100 times. It is a lot. This will never get old. :)

Tori M.


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