325: Resident Evil

I know what most of you are going to say and you know what? I like this movie. I don't care what all the naysayers say. I never played the game and I never will. Why? Zombies. I don't do well with Zombies, I have had an irrational fear of them for as long as I can remember. I would watched my brother play Resident Evil 4 and just about die. I am a little better now, I love this movie series and Walking Dead. I still hold to that if a zombie apocalypse ever happens for real, I am not going to hunker down and hole out. Nope. I'm going out immediately before I can even witness it and possibly get bitten and turned. I'm completely okay with that decision.

I wish I was as bad ass as Alice though, then I would maybe think about surviving the apocalypse. Focusing on this movie...

The one thing that shook me the most when I first saw this, it was on television and I was bored, was the laser room that she is standing in in this photo. Being cut to pieces and then don't even get me started on that elevator scene. I am glad they didn't show what exactly happened, but it was enough to really instill how much of a death trap those things can be. Never take the easy way for granted, it might just turn on you. Although given the chance I tend to take the elevator more than the stairs. I need to be better about the stairs.

Personally I just really love this movie, it was the one movie that first thrust me into the world of zombies and not wanting to die of a heart attack. It opened up the doorway for me to get over my irrational fear. It's cool, there might be some things to improve on quality wise, but Resident Evil holds a special place in my heart. I just wish that when I watched it this time around I was in the mood for it. Being sick still...I really wasn't in the mood to see blood, guts, spittle and stuff like that while I was having mucus drain down my throat and spitting up stuff. Completely understandable no?

Tori M.


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