322: Ratatouille

I work in a restaurant, it has taken me a long time to get here and find out to work at a place that I have always viewed as a hobby or passion at home. Watching this movie, it makes you want to cook. The food looks amazing and to find they worked with an actual Chef, who is considered the best Chef in the United States...that is pretty awesome. The message of this starts out with, "Anyone Can Cook", it is very true. Anyone can. Most think they can't and wind up going on Worst Cook's in America to improve and look at them. They learn to cook. You really just need someone to help you, whether in person or through media we have today and you won't believe how easy it is to follow a recipe.

Though Linguini can't cook, he doesn't know what he is doing without Remy, he still finds that he loves where he works. He found out where he belongs, even if it is just waiting tables and running the restaurant and letting Collette and Remy do the rest. This is super cute and unique. A rat that can cook and knows all the techniques of cooking. Disney really knows how to create a hit that you can love and relate to. Now if I could only have some of that soup and Ratatouille, I will be just fine. ;)

Tori M.


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