317: Push

The science is there, the actual history is there, now the fiction is where it takes a turn and we get Push. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to move things? I mean there are other skills in this movie, but frankly I would like to be able to move things or maybe even do what Kira can. I don't know, at the same time I would be conflicted with taking people's will away from them. Oh! Oh! I know...shifter. That would be a good power to have. I actually really like this movie, it is in a different setting than you would see this type of movie, say along the lines of Jumper. It feels like that, where it could easily be believed to be real with how they build it up and explain the origins of the powers.

In the end I wish I knew more, they left it on a cliffhanger with the hopes of a sequel. Well, I'm not sure we are getting that folks. We still don't know how they are going to take down the rest of Division and to save all the other people and her mom. So much untold and I am yearning to find out how it ends. I guess I need to google it more and see if there is a comic or a novel that continues it. I will find out, because I need to know.

If you were in this movie, who would you be? What would you have as an ability?

Tori M.


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