316: Public Enemies

Wanna know a cool factoid about my family? So, Baby Face Nelson--who is in this movie--took my mom's great grandma...maybe great great grandma, I can't remember how many greats, it might be one, hostage. While they were driving away, they were driving for some time until they finally let her go because she wouldn't stop telling them to slow down and being a backseat driver. Now that that is out of the way, this movie is actually pretty cool. You actually kind of feel for Johnny Dillinger in the movie and see things from his point of view. Then you also get to see just how bad things were back then with the law enforcement under Hoover. Someone who didn't care about getting dirty and rough in order to get the bad guy. I can see why Melvin quit and to see his discomfort as the movie went along with what had to be done.

I do love watching stuff from this time, I honestly love all the cars, the outfits and the music. I can't even begin to imagine though how it was living in this time with such notorious bank robbers and gangsters running the country. Everywhere you went you were at risk in stepping in a puddle of it all, or even worked. Every time has their hardships. Johnny Depp did such a great job though in this role. These 50's or so movies, he fits it so well with his look and how he can act. Like I said, he really makes you feel for his character and makes you want him to have his happy ending with Billie far away somewhere.

Tori M.


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