303: Practical Magic

I grew up on this movie. It is one of my mom's favorite's, it was my first introduction to Faith Hill and I wanted to find someone just as great as Sally did. Both times! I even remember making my own little thing when I was little, about a guy to meet in the future. Sadly, it hasn't happened....yet. ;)

I will say that I find it harder to watch this movie now that I am older. I am a person who believes in the spiritual, have friends who are Wiccan, etc, and am myself a Medium. I have ancestors that were gypsies, I have relatives that have gifts and it has passed through generation to generation. I am not trying to push any beliefs on anyone. I am just saying that this movie, I now longer watch at night, there is a feel to it during the parts of exorcism and possession that I don't like. I do still love it and will watch it, just definitely during the day time when it has last power to it.

This movie will be a staple in my childhood. Midnight Margaritas in the movie to Lime in the Coconut. This Kiss playing to her running with dogs down the street to the grocer/stock man in the town she grew up in and that didn't accept them. "Broom fell, company's coming," every freaking time a broom does fall when cleaning or otherwise. Ha, ha. I could go on.

Tori M.


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