300: Pitch Black
I am so far behind! My life has been completely taken over by the release of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, so I have been streaming that on my Twitch and playing for hours on end. I also went to the Renaissance Festival yesterday and got heat exhaustion. Was going to watch the next movie, but was so tired and not in the mood for it. But now I am sort of on a break from the game...at least for the next hour possibly...to finish writing this and the next movie in line that I have watched. Anyways...
You can really tell that this is an early 2000 movie with the special FX, that is necessarily a bad thing in the sense that it is still good and was good when it came out. Movies have only gotten better with that kind of thing. Also I mean come on, Vin rocks this movie. I still like the sequel better than this one, I can't explain why, maybe it has to do with the touch more humanity riding within him in that one compared to this one. I mean this is the start of learning who he is and him learning to care for people. We only know so little about Riddick, he is a man of layers and most definitely excels at planning and out smarting everything around him.
I unfortunately saw this movie second years ago, I had no idea that Chronicles of Riddick was a sequel and had to get this one. It has an 'Alien' feel to it and is pretty dark in feel as well as reality when the eclipse happens, compared to the sequel. Honestly I don't know what else to say, other than it is good and this is maybe the....third time I have seen this movie and if you like Vin and you like sci-fi, go for it. :)
Tori M.
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