294: Pirates of Penzance
The musical that started my love for musicals. My grandma had this movie on VHS growing up and the tape and we would listen to it while we cooked and hung out. This will always be my favorite musical and I need to see it on the stage badly. Kevin Cline is so perfect as The Pirate King, but man he was so hyper and agile in this. How they didn't just crack up on the stage with him is beyond me. I wish I could sing as high as Maybel, but I am an alto and sometimes second soprano. I remember showing this movie to my friends before I moved to Minnesota, knowing that one friend would love Kevin Cline and the other would love the Policemen. After the movie they couldn't stop singing the Foreman Bares His Steel song and thinking about how gangly they moved.
I do own the CD to this and whenever it comes on in my car on my iPod, I have to sing along. Even when my mom is giving me a look that says she wants to listen to 'normal' music. Her favorite song is Poor Wandering One. Me on the other hand, I love them all. I was trying to figure out what was my favorite, but I keep thinking about one song and then be like, "Can't forget that song!" My favorite part is when they sing With Cat Like Tread and sing about how they are quiet and yet they are being anything BUT quiet.
If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you do. It's funny, it's very good and the music will stay in your head forever.
Tori M.
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