291: Phantom of the Opera

When this came out, I remember it clearly. It was my birthday, we went to a place called The Mayan for dinner--no longer in business, but it was really cool--then went to see this is IMAX. Not many people were there to see I remember, but we all went as a family and I loved this. I still do, it is definitely one of my top favorite movies/musicals. I have yet to see the musical on stage. Hope to some day. This was also my first introduction to Gerard Butler and I had the hugest crush on him from this movie. I never understood why Christine went for Raul compared to him, I would have chosen him at the drop of a hat.

I do have to say that there is one moment in the cemetery when they are fighting in the snow, that Raul looks like the Beast from Beauty and the Beast as a human. He would've made a good one. It still gives me chills hearing the opening music and watching the chandelier come to life at the beginning. My favorite song has to be Point of No Return, the passion, darkness and intensity as it is sung by them as around them things come to a head...just love it.

The behind the scenes took two hours to go through and learning about how the show was created from the book, to the stage to a musical and finally a movie, just made me love Phantom of the Opera even more. It made me appreciate it so much more and to those who have not seen this, SEE IT! You will not regret it.

Tori M.


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