286: Parent Trap

I was one of those kids/people, that when this movie came out, thought that there were actual twins in this movie. Nope, just Lindsay Lohan. I was so thrown by it at the time, like most were, and amazed that something like that was even possible on screen. At that time I hadn't even seen the original, so...imagine just how far off the surprise wagon I was. I honestly prefer this one more. Modern based and with familiar actors such as Dennis Quaid. Every time this movie would come on Disney Channel, I would pop myself in front of the television--try and commandeer it from whoever was there--and watch it. I loved it and still do.

There is just something about Lindsay Lohan and how she acts and looks. I mean we all remember her as a cute girl/kid before her life got plastered everywhere about every bad thing going on. In the behind the scenes she is very much a young adult even at 11. Professional in how she was talking about the cast and crew, filming and the process. I mean, wow. I kind of envy how together she had it at a young age, even though that can have very bad outcome with most child stars. My favorite part, or I should say parts because there are so many, is when they are on the camping trip and prank Meredith to show her true colors. I mean really my favorite part is the whole movie, there isn't one part I don't like. Also who else really wanted to eat the breakfast that Chessie made for her? Eggs, bacon, toast and chocolate chip pancakes. *falls to floor* Yum.

Okay I forgot that there was one thing that bothered me, it wasn't that I didn't like it but I was curious as to how that is even possible/allowed to split up siblings like that at a young age, let alone twins. I know that in the movie they later on explain that it was a plan that they came up with without having to worry about school and such. But I mean, it isn't like they are adopted and they got separated, which I am aware happens, but how did the courts allow that? Both parents got FULL custody in a sense and really it is either joint custody or full custody. I also get that this movie was originally made in 1961...but I'm trying to wrap my head around the whole splitting up two siblings, let along twins in a divorce.

My brain kind of hurts and I know I should be happy with the movie, because I love it. Just...I mean I get a little technical in my thinking now that I am older. Anyways, which version do you prefer, original or 1998 remake?

Tori M.


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