285: Pagemaster

I have always loved this movie, I would watch this one a lot on VHS back in the day. Now don't get me wrong I still have flashbacks of when I was scared during the horror book scene with Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Books can really teach us so much, even fiction. With this movie it teaches Richard how to not be scared of everything, to live life and show just how much fun it can be. No statistics involved. Most people who love to read--me--wish that they could jump into the book and live it, or even see it in their heads like a movie and feel what the characters feel. Stories also stick with you, the really memorable ones or ones that relate to you personally.

Even though more than half of this movie is animated, I wonder if they were to do a remake of this now...how would it look if they didn't animate it? Live action all the way. It would probably be just as magical as this, but nothing can beat a classic. Even Fantasy said so.

Tori M.


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