277: Night at the Museum 3 - Secret of the Tomb

Cranking them out while I can still stay upright. Again they make it just as good as the other two. The fact that you have Lancelot who doesn't know he isn't real, a caveman who was modeled after Ben's character as a joke and falls in love with the British Night Guard, Hugh Jackman and an epic fight scene with a metal demon snake from Asia in the museum. I love that little metal guy who mimics what he did with the defibrillators, so cute and funny. In the behind the scenes I was very curious as to how they filmed Ben playing two parts in the same screen, it was very cool and entertaining to watch the Director of the film play both parts when Ben was the opposite. Then they actually did have a stunt double with a mask on as La and I will tell you, it looks down right disturbing, it doesn't look anything like Ben and it looks like something out of a horror movie.

I do also like how in this movie it tells the story about the tablet and finding the tomb that contained it and Ahkmenrah's family...minus the big brother. Wonder if he was cast out for his wicked ways. Then you find out that Cecil (played by Dick Van Dyke) was the little boy who found the tomb with his father way back then. To tie that into the story and how he was tied to it as a night guard at the museum for the rest of his life, really nice touch.

As many of you know, this movie came out after Robin William's died. It is a shame that there will be no more adventures with him and it isn't like they can do more of these movies. They tied it up in a very nice way to honor him. Watching the behind the scenes and seeing him always put on a little comedy show for everyone in between takes, was just a magic that is worth seeing. I'm glad that have had him for as long as we did and to have him share his wonder and zest for everything to us...Thank you Robin. And another mention to someone who passed in this movie, we miss you Mickey Rooney.

Tori M.


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