276: Night at the Museum 2 - Battle of the Smithsonian

I am behind once more on writing this, why? I'm sick again. Trying to break a fever and fix a sore throat, all while being incredibly fatigued. I do like this movie though, a new museum with new characters to be on an adventure with. Especially the famous Amelia Earhart. We also run into the big brother of Ahkmenrah, Kah Mun Rah who wants to raise his dead army and take over the world. It is kind of sad though that Ahkmenrah isn't in this movie, it would've been nice to have the dialogue with him and his brother. Also there is a new love interest in this movie for Ben Stiller's character, we no longer have the woman who did tours at the museum. I do like that in the end he met someone who looked just like Amelia, but then of course you know that it doesn't stick. Look at the third movie. No love interest, at least for him.

Each movie honestly gets better and better and Ben gets even better and better with his fighting the bad guy. I can't pick a favorite because they are all equally good and add more to the fun of the magic of the tablet at the museums.

Tori M.


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