274: Next

What if you could see the future? What if you could see your own future? Now imagine if you had that ability and yet you could only see 2 minutes ahead. Next is pretty unique in how it is an action movie, a science fiction movie and a romance/drama and it makes you believe that this could really happen. I am one of those who believes in clairvoyance and those who truly do see future events before they happen. A lot of the time these very people do actually help out their fellow people, some are even helping out law enforcement with finding missing people or killers. In this case, Nick's character wants nothing to do with that. He doesn't want to be a guinea pig anymore and wants to live as normal of a life as he can. Then of course he catches the eye of the government and gets dragged into a terrorist plot that happens to involve him and the woman he saw in his vision 2 weeks more than what he normally can see.

The fact that there are so many possibilities in this movie and he shows each and every one, either by having it happen or by stopping it from happening. Imagine though if nothing was a surprise in your life anymore. Whether that was good or bad. I mean the bad would be nice to avoid, right? But the good is something that would be ruined for you and others too depending on the situation. Nick does a great job of believing this person is real, makes you see the other side of the coin and then goes on to see that his actions really are important to safe others and not just himself. In the end, finding that bomb directly lines up with his life and he didn't know it until it was I mean technically too late even if it was a vision moment.

Honestly, I highly recommend you see this movie if you want something different in an action movie. 👍👍

Tori M.


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