269: Nanny McPhee

The person I think we all need is Nanny McPhee. Sometimes we are in some trouble or in a situation we think we can't get out of. I think even though we are not all children acting out, we need someone there to help us through tough times. Whether they are the hand that does it, or the one that pushes us to do it ourselves and think up the solution. I can't believe though that I have never heard of the books that this was based off of. Nurse Matilda. I also didn't know that Emma Thompson wrote the script for Nanny McPhee. Is there anything she can't do? This movie has a very Mary Poppins feel to it, but the difference is that none of the kids like her when she shows up. She has lessons to teach and with each lesson, her appearance or other people's perceptions of her changes. Either way, Nanny McPhee is always the same inside, the outside doesn't really matter. Learned that from the special features and it is a very deep lesson when they mention that.

Colin Firth is absolutely hilarious in this movie, startled whenever she enters the room. "I did knock." Obviously she didn't, and then Simon says it to her when he goes up to her room in the attic and she acknowledges that he did. It was perfect. Also realizing that Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter is the cook....that threw me, they made her look completely different. She has such a range and can transform so well into whatever role she does. I'm glad that in the end he wound up being with Evangeline, they were good together from the start even though she was his scullery maid. Love is found in the places you least expect or when your aunt in law takes person away to raise as her own and educate her...*shrugs*

Though I don't own the sequel, I would like to get it one day because I did like it and love seeing more of Nanny McPhee. I am off for the night everyone, been tired all day and remember. "Bee-hive." ;)

Tori M.


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