265: My Bloody Valentine

I am late in writing this one. I watched this not yesterday, but the night before on the 7th and I just forgot about it. Went to bed and forgot about it. I actually really like this movie. I am not a big horror movie person, but this one is more like a psychological thriller and I am all over those. Also it has Jensen Ackles in it from Supernatural, which I don't watch as religiously as I did years ago. Jensen really plays the bad guy really well and the innocent guy really well, which is both in this movie. One minute he can be super nice, then he can cocky and sure of himself, then that part when his face goes dark and he says, "Oh I'm here." *shivers in delight* He does it so well.

I also had no idea that this movie was shot in a real mine! The behind the scenes was very interesting, seeing how they shot the movie in the mine, trying to find where to put lighting and how low the ceiling was. I don't know how they all did, I applaud them because I would have been claustrophobic in there and I am only 5'3. Like they say in the special features, there is just something about a killer in a movie that is wearing a mask that scares you. There is no expression, there is no humanization or feeling. They don't care about you at all. It is kind of the classic horror that mirrors Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th. Valentine's day, mining and murders in a small town...I think that make a nice box of chocolates of a movie. ;)

Tori M.


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