261: Music & Lyrics

Here's the thing about this movie...you will be addicted to the songs in this film. I still have them memorized and was singing along to it, even dancing to it. Especially the first song, "Pop Goes By Heart". They nailed the 80's and the music videos, it was funny finding out they used inspiration from Duran Duran on creating the music video while watching the behind the scenes. This movie is also just really cute and Hugh is hilarious. You can tell that he obviously improvised a lot with some of his lines and even cracked himself up with what was coming out of his mouth. I do admit that this movie touches that part of my childhood and my soul with being raised with music around me. My dad teaches guitar and bass guitar, so I always had that going and I know just how hard it is to write songs and music like they find in this. I have only written one official song, played it at my High School talent show on stage my senior year, recorded it for the Yearbook DVD they made and even recorded it at a free recording studio in downtown Salt Lake City.

There was a time that I wanted to be famous like Cora or Alex in this, but I've become alright with taking the back seat with music and just enjoying what others make. The message in Music & Lyrics tells you that both are extremely important and are a lot like people. Which is why we love and relate to it so much. It talks about real experiences and feelings. Like Sophie says in the movie, "A melody is like seeing someone for the first time. The physical attraction. Sex. But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It's the combination of the two that makes it magical."

I could go on and on about how much I love this movie, but I guess you will just have to watch it for yourselves. There is no way I can do it justice. :)

Tori M.


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