260: Murder on the Orient Express

A movie that neither of us have seen! We both wanted to see this when it came out in November, but missed out. Agatha Christie has a great way of telling a story, especially a murder mystery. My first introduction to her was "And Then There Were None" and that was a PC game we got when I was younger. It came with the novel as well and I remember playing it and being so scared by the detail, the story and the sounds. When I finally beat it, I do have to say it was very good and I would love to play it again if I can find it. This book that this movie is based on, I have never read, like I said I have only ever been introduced to the one I mentioned before. Watching this and the behind the scenes, my mom and I have both agreed that we might want to get more Agatha Christie books and read them.

They chose some very good actors to play in this period piece, especially Johnny Depp. We both realized that he tends to go for these time periods or older in movies. Something that isn't really in the here and now, or has a flair of fantastical with period. He might not have been in the movie long, but the amount that he was in it he was really good. Then you get the one and only actor who played none other than Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter as the detective. That mustache is worthy of praise, especially after watching Million Ways to Die in the West. They would have been jealous of such a mustache. Hercule is definitely I would say...OCD about things, he has to have things a certain way and yet that makes him the perfect detective. If the slightest thing is off, he will find it.

I would love to read more of the stories with Hercule, he reminds me in a way of Sherlock Holmes and I really love Sherlock Holmes. So mark those books down on my books to buy and go into my humongous pile of books to read. There is....a lot. It turns out at the end my mom and I were both right. I was right in the sense that I believed that everyone had a hand in the murder and my mom believed it was Mrs. Hubbard played by Michelle Pfeiffer. There is one thing I have noticed that sort of parallels in this as to And Then There Were None. People are always brought together who know the victim and the detective figures it out, and most likely they all had a hand in the murder of the victim. I do like hearing what the motives are and how they know the victim in some way. This one was really hard to figure out and learning just why and how everyone was related was ingenious.

After watching it for the first time, I can't to watch it again in the future and find things I didn't find before. :)

Tori M.


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