256: Mr. & Mrs. Smith

The movie that brought the once iconic couple together for 12 years. I have over-watched this movie. Saw it in theaters with my family when it came out and loved it right away. Brad just has a way of comedy that he works into his suaveness and then you get Angelina who is badass and trying to be a normal housewife and the girl who acts like she can't do things, when really she can hold her own. I mean come on, she was Lara Croft. The chemistry between them in this movie is probably what makes it such a great movie. You believe that they really love each other even though they are supposed to kill each other once they find out each other's secrets. Both are assassins for the government. This was originally a television series in the 1940's and that is kind of why there was the theme of her trying to be a housewife in this one. Then she sort of sheds it when she is fighting him, outsmarting him and joining him in Kostmart wearing another mannequin suit compared to the dress that was her only other option.

Watching the behind the scenes on how they made the car chase with Brad chasing her on foot. I had no idea that him tripping and crashing into the fence was an accident. He not only had a genuine reaction to it, but he also ad libbed his line before he crawled out of the fence. They used that rather than their other ideas. Personally I can't imagine it without him doing what he did. This is really just your good ol' action movie with spies/assassins, but with a nice twist in their marriage. Also who can forget Vince Vaughn as the best friend holding a shotgun in his hands as he shouts at his mom for startling him and how he almost just shot her right then. Ha, ha.

Tori M.


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