254: Mortdecai

This movie is so hilarious and my favorite part that kills me every time, is when they gag over his mustache. In case you haven't seen the behind the scenes, Gwyneth Paltrow actually had so many takes that she ruined because she was laughing all the time during that scene. I really need to hunt these books down that this is based on and read them. The movie has a Pink Panther feel to it with Inspector Clouseau being Mortdecai, but an art dealer who is having money trouble. Jock has some of the best lines in the sense that is always there to rescue Mortdecai and constantly reassure him.

"Will it be alright in the end?"
"I couldn't say sir."


"I couldn't help but overhear something about a finger."
"It's alright sir, I've got 9 more."


"Your hand Jock!"
"It's alright sir, I've got another one."

I would say that this movie is maybe just a titch more raunchy than Pink Panther, but you have a very sexually adventurous man servant. It is kind of sad that this did not do too well with reviews in the critic occupation, so there won't be any more adventures with Mortdecai. Then again, I am crossing my fingers. It would be nice to have him venture into a series beyond what he did for Pirates. Something to ponder Johnny.

Tori M.


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