249: Miss Congeniality

"Wear the crown, be the crown, you ARE the crown."

Whenever the song "She's A Lady" comes on at my work, which is every day because we have a playlist, I think of this song. It has only been preparing me for this movie and this movie has been watched so many times. We owned the VHS version, the sleeve was tattered and then we converted to DVD and we still watch it just as much. My mom and I quote this all the time, especially the crown quote, the, "You want to love me, you want to hug me, you want to kiss me..." quote, "I'm gliding here!" quote and, "Bagel and Smear," a lot. I am not even touching on all of the quotes that we say during every day life because there is so many!

This movie and the Beautiful that I own and watched way early on in this goal, are the ones that made me want to be in a pageant. I did audition for the Utah pageant many years ago, but unfortunately couldn't afford it. Growing up I had the necessities in life and maybe a little extra for a treat/toy, but there were and still are plenty of times that the necessities are a struggle to come upon. Living paycheck to paycheck and it also happened around the time that checks were getting stolen. Do you remember checks? I know that they are still used, but not as often as they were and it was easy to just have them stolen from mailboxes. I was in tears because it made me feel like I was accepted and it held great opportunities, but I understood enough of how much it was, all that went into it, and our own financial situation.

Now that I am older, I still wish I could have had that experience because I know it isn't what everyone thinks it is. I have a friend who runs the Miss Amazing Pageant back there and I love seeing the change and good work pageants can do. It isn't just about beauty and grace, it's about heart and a want to help others beyond yourself in a different way than people would think normal. I don't think by certain standards that you have to match, that I would have been a good candidate maybe physically and I am a lot like Grace in this movie with being a tomboy. However, I do like dresses more now than I did back when I was younger. I'm more vintage style though. I know that even those standards in pageants are changing now. Times are changing and one day it will be judged and done differently, or it might not be done at all. *shrugs*

Rather than striving to be the perfect picture on the outside, we should be good on the inside. Not perfect, but good. We should all strive to be Miss Congeniality in some way. At least that is what I think.

Tori M.


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