246: Men in Black 2

I have seen this movie too many times and it is one of those movies that you watch so many times and you keep seeing things you didn't realize before. For instance, I didn't know that there was a Sprint Store and a Burger King inside MIB headquarters. Also, Martha Stewart is an Agent. Yes, you read that right, she was on the big screen with lots of people sitting around her in a conference. There was something, but I can't remember it right. Watch, I will remember it later when it is too late and this has already been up. Whatever.

Frank has to be my favorite character in this, singing I Will Survive and then humming it. Then he also was barking to Who Let The Dogs Out. Come on! There are just so many moments in this movie that are hilarious. The one major part that I remembered the most, wasn't even a major part, it was when Michael Jackson was in the film saying, "I could be Agent M." Of course when I looked in the cast info on IMDB, they had him down as playing Agent M. So he kind of already got his wish, little did he know. Watching the bloopers just about killed me, Will Smith laughing and crying from laughing so hard made me laugh, especially with the scene they were having trouble filming with the Autopilot when they are being chased by Serleena. Just watch the bloopers, you will understand. Ha, ha.

The reason I don't own the first Men in Black is because when I saw it when I was little, and still to this day, I was traumatized and just bothered by the insect alien that took over the guy's body. Sorry and I just always loved this one better. I also haven't seen the 3rd one, I heard it wasn't as good as the first two. So...*shrugs* We'll see if I see it in the future. Anyways, onto the next movie! This next one is a real laugh factory and not for the faint of heart. Any guesses?

Tori M.


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