245: Meet the Robinsons

Keep moving forward. When you realize at the end, only after you read the whole quote and they sign on who said it, that Walt Disney said these words and they incorporated it into the movie. Making it the official motto of Lewis in the future. This movie is super cute and actually kind of funny. I used to love the T-Rex part the most, where he is saying how he has a big head and little arms when asked why he wasn't seizing the boy. Now my favorite part is when Lewis asks Wilbur what his dad looks like and Wilbur says, "Tom Selleck," and the kicker is that Tom Selleck was the voice of future older Lewis. See? That was a little hidden gem if you didn't know it was there before.

There is a great lesson to be learned in this movie that if you fail, celebrate your failures because it will make way for great successes. You should never let failure hold you back, when hurtling over that failure could be a big change for your life for the better. You never know, you might be the one to invent the time machine, or a memory scanner, or even a portion controlled peanut and jelly sandwich maker. All of these things are possible! Now I don't know if I would like to have a giant octopus/squid as a butler. I would probably freak out, so please whoever is out there reading this...don't invent that. Ha, ha. Also I like how it lets us know to be mindful of our actions, because it doesn't just effect us. Like how Lewis was making his project all night, it effected Goob's life without him knowing about it.

This movie is really stinking fun and cute though. I haven't seen it in some years, but it is nice to go back through it. Especially with how life can weirdly coincide with the topics they are talking about in the movies. I admit I do have a fear of failure and when I fail at something I do want to quit. I should take my own advice and Walt's advice, rather than saying it to my mom and others and being left in the mud myself. Keep moving forward...I think I will listen to that.

Tori M.


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