241: Mask of Zorro

Antonio Banderas...you make one charming masked man. Also you are one wild, full of energy, spaz! No wonder we love you so much! Then there is the beautiful Catherine-Zeta Jones. I wanted to be just like her when this movie came out. Wild spirited, great dancer and wearing all those amazing clothes she gets to wear in this. Her hair...I have hair envy with the color, length and luxuriousness it holds. Yes, I am talking more about the actors than I am about the actual movie. I remember watching the original Tales of Zorro on Disney way back when midnight would hit and it would go into the black and white shows with Walt. Who else stayed up just to watch those?

Anyways, when they finally made a movie in color I was all over it. I had also grown up with Antonio Banderas being in Spy Kids, so I was already in love with him when this came out and it just grew with him being a masked hero. With his hair overgrown the way it was when his brother died in the beginning, he did kind of remind me of Indigo from Princess Bride. They looked a little similar and they both have the same kind of spunk. Both are great with swords, but Zorro knows his acrobatics! I know that they had only done two movies of Zorro with Antonio, but it would've been nice to see the adventures continue. Especially since there is always someone to help, even nowadays.

Zorro holds my heart and has since before the superheroes started their big bang onto the scene. Sometimes you just need an everyday man in a mask to take a stand and fight for what is right, while looking dashing to boot.

Tori M.


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