240: Mary Poppins

"Oh, let's go fly a kite. Up to the highest height! Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring...UP through the atmosphere. UP where the air is clear! Let's go. Fly a kite!"

That song is going to be in my head all day I imagine. Well I started this movie last night and finished it just now. I am doing much better today, especially being on medicine now that we know what is wrong. I wish my medicine though tasted as good as theirs did. Lime Cordial. Strawberry. Rum punch. Although that last one I don't really know how good that tastes. I have watched this movie many times and each time I still hate that part in the bank when the elders are basically looming over the kids. Telling them how to live and how to spend and all that. Kind of forcefully trying to convince them into investing their money. I know that logically it is wise do invest at a young age and open an account, but the way that it was brought upon would be very traumatizing to a child. It was to me when I was little and I still hate the part in the movie. Gives me anxiety and I just want to help Jane and Michael escape.

My favorite song in this entire movie has to be "Stay Awake". I have always loved that song more than anything, it is so soothing, pretty and I want to curl up in my bed with a fire going like they did. I also wished that cleaning would be as easy as they were able to do it. I would snap my fingers and wish super hard that things would move when I motioned them to or pointed them to. I even wished I could jump into books or my television like they did with the chalk art outside the park. I still wish that magic like that was possible, but I guess we just have to settle with it in books, movies and television shows. Mary Poppins will always be there to help us when we need it and make our imaginations flow. I am interested in the sequel that is coming this Christmas, nervous but intrigued. It'll be nice to see what new adventures Mary has for us.

Tori M.


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