236: Malificent

I have always loved Sleeping Beauty, I mean come on...who else preferred Prince Phillip to all the other princes? Anyways, Maleficent is probably one of the best Disney villains. Well her and Ursula. She was green, mean and a fighting machine that came in dragon form. When they decided to do a movie that told the story of Aurora, but mainly focused on Maleficent and how she came to be the big bad to do the curse we all know, it was a magical thing. Villains had to have their start, their one moment that turned them into wanting revenge on the do-gooders of the world. Honestly the King had to have known that cutting off a faerie's wings would have dire consequences and not just any faerie's wings but one that he loved.

Yeah, he didn't kill her and you can tell that he thought that taking her wings was better than killing her. Sparing her life and all that. But come on dude, you knew when you saw the green magic of doom far in the distance when you became king that that was no bueno. Shit was going to come raining down upon him. Kind of a 'here's your sign' moment. Maleficent had the best redeeming moment ever with how she pretty much raised Aurora because the other faeries were incapable and stupid. Sorry, but they were. I loved that when she kissed Aurora's forehead it was more like that of a mother and her child.

Can I also mention how all those guards were so focused on Maleficent that they just didn't seem to notice or care that the King's daughter was awake and alive? No longer under the curse?! HELLO PEOPLE! Talk about revenge or hate blinding someone. I also would have to say my favorite character in this whole film is the crow. He is hilarious and just perfect to set Maleficent on the right path. I am curious as to what the sequel that is due in 2020 is going to bring us. What will it be about? Aurora's reign or finding someone for Maleficent to love to have her own happy ending, even though she still had a happy ending in this one. I am excited and a little nervous. Sometimes sequels wind up not holding up to their original. So we shall see.

Tori M.


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