233: Lucy

What if we had more access to more of our brains? I mean it probably wouldn't be as science fiction as this movie goes, but I think the science is kind of close. There is much debate in the scientific community whether the 10% is a myth or truth. I personally think it is truth, we have no idea just what the brain can do. It is a powerful organ and there is capabilities of bettering our cognitive function with training, mastering skills to where we can do it on auto pilot without thinking. The possibilities are endless. What if there was a drug out there that could unlock another 5 or 10 percent of the brain? Would you try it?

I love the concept of this movie, kind of like the movie made into a television show Limitless, but like I said...more sci-fi. I don't know if we would really be as shut down and monotonous as Lucy was when she absorbed the drug, I do know that the medicines we have to enhance cognitive efficiency help us focus more. Does more focus mean less emotion? Not necessarily. She delivers a great take on a person who was all about partying and self and then going from someone who has gone beyond that, knowing that there is more to life than just worrying about what you are going to do with your life. Worrying about little things that maybe don't really matter in the big picture of why were are here and what we are meant to do.

The fact that she seeks out someone who has a better understanding of the changes she is going through, even though for that person it is all hypothetical, is I think what everyone would do if they wanted answers. Sharing the knowledge is something we have always done since the beginning of time. We share stories, experiences to better learn what to do and what not to do. It is how we have evolved through time. I imagine there will be a time where we will know more about the many mysteries of the universe and will have gained more knowledge that mirrors close to the concept of enhancing past 10%. All I know is that this movie is well done, well written and gets your brain working. I also know that if I had access to more of my cognitive potential, I could maybe finish all the things I have left unfinished. Maybe even get stuff done that I want to. Just gotta take small steps and make sure to kick myself into actually doing it.

Tori M.


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