232: Love & Other Drugs

First thing is first...Jake Gyllenhaal in this movie is really hot. Yes, I went there. Now that that is taken care of, this movie is great in showing that you can find love in places you never thought possible. You might think you are dysfunctional and not worthy of love, so you push others away or detach yourself in an emotional sense and just have a physical relationship. All of these things Maggie and Jaimie did in this movie. They are two people who have problems and only come together and find out that they are very much the same. I did for a minute think about Deadpool and how he met his love of his life, they both were dysfunctional. These two did it first ladies and gents and they did it back in the setting of 1996 when boombox's were something you carried around to listen to music. Or when you had a really old video camera to capture the moments in life, or even right when Viagra was introduced to the world.

In this movie you get to see sides to Parkinson's, to sales representatives especially in the pharmaceuticals and get to know a story that isn't really set up like your traditional romantic comedy or fairy tale ending. These are two normal every day people, with issues like everyone else. Everyone wants to be loved or taken care of, even if you try and deny it like Maggie and Jaimie. You might be fine being alone, but then like Maggie said, "Some unknown humanity inside you will kick in." Humanity lives in everyone, otherwise are we aliens??? Sometimes things start out without attachments, but things change and feelings grow.

There is so much depth in this movie and yes nudity, but I mean love is bare. Now I'm getting deep...jeez. It's that time of month for me, so I'm getting deep in thought. Yes, I went there too. We get to see a different side of Anne Hathaway after her doing the Princess Diaries. Anne Hathaway is more known for her humor, or she was, but she can really get serious and hit your hard in the feels. I can't imagine this movie without her and Jake, they made this movie the hidden gem that it is.

Tori M.


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