231: Love Guru

"Gee, you are you."
"Into me I see."

This movie literally has so many quotes and it was the first time I had ever heard the song 9 to 5 and it was really hard to hear the original after hearing it played with the sitar. I like how this movie pays homage to Bollywood when they have the musical parts, makes you want to watch some of them and it really is beautiful the costumes, the music, lyrics and dancing that goes into it. This movie is also just really hilarious, he always finds ways to pay homage to things while still finding humor. Watching the behind the scenes, I had no idea that Mike had an interest in other cultures and history. It was interesting to hear that and how whenever he has an idea for something he tests that character or voice out at clubs and stuff.

I do remember when this movie first came out that there were problems with it and how it was controversial and culture appropriation. When you watch it though you realize that it doesn't really stick to one culture or another, at least not in the way Guru Pitka is done. He is kind of blend into one man and still being respectful to what you can pick out. I can see how this movie upset a lot of people though and I don't mean any disrespect for liking it or owning it to those reading this. It is kind of hard nowadays, especially in the past few years leading up to now, where any topic is a sensitive topic. Sometimes we all just have to laugh at ourselves and not take everything so seriously, because life isn't always serious and nor should it always be. There is also a time and place for comedy and for seriousness, but it is up to each person to find when and where that is for themselves. We can't please everyone.

I have seen this movie so many times and will continue to see it many more on the basis that Justin Timberlake is hilarious, Jessica Alba is hilarious/badass/beautiful, and the magic of comedy that Mike Myers gives us in any form. Dr. Evil, Austin Powers, Wayne, Guru Pitka, Shrek, the list goes on and on.

Tori M.


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