230: Lord of the Rings - Return of the King

I think this one is my favorite of the trilogy. The depth in this movie, plus all that glorious action...I will admit that my anxiety was not loving it. My anxiety was through the roof, especially with the battle scene with the elephants. I was like, "Oh God, no. How are you they going to get through this?!" Then of course when Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli came off that boat and then charged forward the army of the dead behind him I get out a mighty, "OOOOOHHHH YEAH!" This last movie is really the full package, tying everything up, giving suspense--even though you know that the ring will be destroyed and things will be grand in the end--and then at the end I had to actually google why Frodo left. I didn't understand why he was leaving and what that meant going to the Undying Lands. Now I know and it makes sense, it gives them a way to be at peace without the pains of what their adventures have done to them emotionally and physically.

Gimli just cracks me up in all of the movies, especially with Legolas and him keeping score on their kills. When Legolas took out all of those people on the back of the elephant and then the elephant itself, landing before Gimli and Gimli yelling at him that it still counted as one. Ha, ha! Oh Gimli. *shakes head* I do like how they ended the Hobbit split into three parts and this movie with Bilbo and Frodo saying, "With room for a little more," in regards to the book they both wrote in the same binding. We may not all have the adventures they did, but I think we should all at least write down an adventure in our lives. That can be our whole life like some do or even a memory to share with others. Adventures are meant to be shared and have been shared throughout time, tales of wonder and experiences. I love that books provide that adventure to people and now movies and television do as well.

Just like Frodo, make sure that when you do have an adventure in life you make sure you have friends and those you love around you. It makes it more worthwhile. :)

Tori M.


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