226: LOL

A mother daughter movie, redone for American audiences. I will say that watching this, it reminds me of my mom in the sense that we both get along on the level that they do when they get along. I wasn't your typical teenager that you hear about or maybe see in this movie. I didn't fight with my mom growing up, if I was upset about something that was said or done I would tell my mom. She raised my brother and I to be honest and up front about our feelings and thoughts. So we can be brutally honest about things, we don't sugar coat because that is not how we were raised. My mom did say that her mom would've acted the same way when Lola's friend Emily's mom found her unacceptable panties in her suitcase before she left for France. She was very conservative, my grandma.

I like this movie in the way that it shows that just because something is happening in your life, doesn't mean it isn't happening for others or had happened to your parents. I never really understood the kind of people that say that there is no way that their parents could know about what they were going through. I had some friends like that growing up. Parents are people too, they grew up, went through puberty and had difficult parents of their own. It might have been a different time, but it doesn't mean there weren't similarities. I think we all go through a little bit of a rebellious phase, we are learning who we are as an adult or young adult. I started to hang out with some people that were edgier than myself and I went to a club and stayed out late for almost a whole year in High School. But I always would let my parents know where I was, when I would be home and tell them when I got home even if it woke them up. I never did any drugs or drank.

This movie mirrors that discovery of self. You can still be looking for love, finding out how to do things, act, who you are no matter what age you are. You go through phases and as long as you are grounded and know who loves you and who you love...I think you will fine. :)

Tori M.


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