222: Little Bit of Heaven

This was the first and last time seeing this. My mom bought it years ago and never unwrapped it until now. I am still recovering from my crying, it is hard because it did remind me of the last moments of my grandma who passed away years ago. I was there when she was taking her last breaths and when she did in this movie I just broke. The movie was good, but we will not be keeping it. There is so much heart twisting things in this with her finding out she is going to die, being sick, being happy all up until the end and finding love when she had always been shut down. Not everyone goes out like Marley did and...

Sorry I am crying again. This is hard. It has brought back all those memories of my grandma, though she did not die of cancer, she was not very happy the months leading up to her going. I remember that in her last moments of consciousness though that she was happy. She was seeing green fields and mountains and it made me think of the paintings that were in Marley's bedroom and apartment. Vibrant and full of joy. When her mother sang to her the day before she passed, I broke again as well. It made me remember when my mom and I sang "Edelweiss" from Sound of Music and "I Am A Child Of God" while her breathing was slowing. Those were her favorite songs.

What is a post about a movie for the movie goal, has turned into a post about my grandma...my Oma. I miss her and I wish I could dance and sing with her again like they did at the party for her funeral in the movie for Marley.

Tori M.


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