218: Liar, Liar

"This pen that I hold in my hand is Rrrrrroyal Blue!"

It has been years since I have seen this movie and I forgot just how hilarious it was. It really goes to show just how some things we do lie about day to day, whether it is a white lie to make people happy or in his case very big bad lies to get horrible people out of jail time or get loads of money. I do like that it shows just how much the truth really matters and also it can really hurt. Ever since I was really little I have always just said what I had on my mind or how I felt. I would tell people the truth and then of course get yelled at, especially when I had to keep a secret and no one told me that I had to keep it a secret. That happened all the time. I do pride myself on my honesty, because that is just who I am and how I was raised. That is not to say that I haven't said a few small lies, but that is pretty much rare for me.

This movie shows the extremity of lying and where that can lead you. It also shows that there are times that it is okay to lie. We all are born telling the truth and kids are known for their truths they blurt out. We observed and sometimes taught at a young age to lie or hide things. If someone were to make a wish that you couldn't lie for a whole day like his son did in this movie, what all would unravel in your life? What would you say? What would you do? Thought provoking for a comedy about lying huh?

Tori M.


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