212: Lake House

Finding your soul mate through time and letters. Also jealous because it all happens on a lake, I mean the house is interesting, but I need something a little more homey and where people can't see what I do 24/7. This is my second time watching this and I think I like it more this time around, besides I do tend to love a good Sandra Bullock movie. Keanu is an extra bonus, even though I am used to him being the infamous Ted S. Preston Esquire. I never got into the Matrix that so many others did.

It is a very hot day outside today, it was also not fun with it being so hot in a restaurant where I work. I would give anything to be at a lake house like Kate and Alex in this movie. Makes me want to go up North and away from so much civilization and enjoy the trees and water like Kate describes she loves in her letter to him. I know that this movie is also sad, what with time being cruel in the sense that their lives collided in many ways and even where she was there when he died in her arms. Scientifically this does follow the law of time travel in some ways, like how when things are mentioned to each other in the letters it changes the outcome of events. The tree suddenly appearing in the city in front of the building she moved to. Her telling him to go to the train station to get the gift from her father that she left behind. I won't spoil anymore details even though I did give away a major plot point.

By now I think if you have followed me on my journey with my movie goals, you will expect that I will spoil the movies. Yeah, they have been out for a while now or some even just recently released on DVD/Blue Ray, but come on this is a movie goal. I'm bound to talk about things I like about it and even going into my thoughts in detail. I like talking on a blog while I do this, it helps me talk about what is on my mind. That being whether it is nostalgia, a new take on a movie, utter dislike for something I once loved, etc. I'm glad that my mom's friend/co-worker suggested this. Not only for another way of accountability but also a feeling of content freedom. Does that make sense? I guess I feel like Kate and Alex did with sending letters to each other, they could say anything and be who they were in their writing. Look at me, I'm becoming like my movies.

Tori M.


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