211: Lady & The Tramp

Yes, I sang along with this movie. Siamese cat song, Bella Notte, the pound howling, 'He's A Tramp', la da doo and even mouthed along to some of the words they said. I grew up on this movie and I haven't seen it for a long time. Watching it now that I am older, I know more things like when they take the hyper dog shadow to the keep out room in the pound...he wouldn't be coming back and the dogs knew that and said as much to Lady. Disney is good at taking topics that adults understand and just floating them right under kids noses. Also they had one person voice multiple people in this movie, as well as lots of voices I recognized from Alice in Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty--I'm looking at you blue fairy now voicing Lady--Peter Pan...they recycled so many voice actors during this time period of certain Disney movies. Nowadays they mix it up, well at least a bit. I know that Alan Tudyk gets around, but that is Alan Tudyk. That man has a lot of voices he can do.

If I wasn't watching this movie, which to be honest I didn't watch it as much as Little Mermaid and Great Mouse Detective, I was listening to the record and singing along with my mom. I still have that record and we still sing the Siamese cat song. Speaking of cat, my cat Penny loved it! I don't know if I mentioned it but my cat started to love watching movies with us since Finding Nemo on this movie goal, now she sits down with us every time and watching things play out on screen. I have pictures to prove it, the little white paws on the carpet are her. She is trying to get closer to the dog on the screen.

Cute huh? 💕💗💖😻 Without going on and on about my cat, I will just say that I think I will be trying to watch this more and more. It is such a cute movie and man I didn't realize just how much my dog takes after the Scottie side of her, they really nailed the Scottie personality and sass. I remember I really wanted a Cocker Spaniel so bad when I was little because of this movie. Sorry Lady, but I am too much of a cat mom. Not saying I don't like dogs, because I do like them, I just have always loved cats more. Maybe not the ones in this movie, I could go without THOSE stinkers. Ha, ha. 

Tori M.


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