208: Knight's Tale

So I didn't post yesterday, why? Because it was my brother's wedding that is why!!! It was the best thing ever, I cried and laughed and now I have a sister, which I have always wanted. This week has been so surreal just watching him get married, meeting my cousins kids, reuniting with an old friend that I haven't seen since elementary school and getting back together with my two besties. I am going to miss my friends for sure, but I am ready to go home...my true home. I miss Minnesota, I miss my cats and my dog, I miss my car and work believe it or not. I can't say I relate to Will in A Knight's Tale though, he actually missed his home where he grew up and it was home for him. Mine was not. I found my home away from my birthplace. Some do.

I love this movie so much, I quoted it while watching it and it does bug me a little that they aren't entirely period with this movie which they could have been. What I mean by that is that they took some liberties with the hair and clothes of Shanynn, his fair maiden/love interest. More modern and then the freestyle dancing after they did the olden times dance. I love the music in this film and I do like how unique it is. I miss Heath so much every time I see a movie he is in. Let's see what else can I say?? I think I pretty much have to say my favorite quotes of the movie.

"Pain, lots of pain!"
"It's called a lance....Helllllooo."

Also pretty much anything Paul Bettany says to Alan Tudyk. :)

Tori M.


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