205: Kid in Aladdin's Palace

Now this one is going to be a little backwards, this is actually the sequel but because it starts with Aladdin being correct alphabetically it is first. The first movie is actually after this one. Ah the movie challenge. So remember how I said in the previous post that there was a theme of time and reality bending? Well now you know what I was talking about. The cat is out of the bag or more like the genie is out of the bottle. It has been so long since I have seen this that I literally only remembered the princess and that his job was as a pizza boy. I freaking love it all over again! Yeah the fx aren't the best, but come on that was what it was in the time and it actually wasn't as bad as some other old movie action-y type movies I have seen.

No matter what movie you watch that involves comedy, there is always a hilarious sidekick that tries to steal the show...in this case it was the camel. The camel who farts all the time and even had one of his famous farts used to burn away guardians of the valley of death with a torch. That is one way to defeat enemies. You do also root for Calvin to be with the princess and of course his futuristic tools and way of doing this attracts her to him. I can't help but think though, if the time travel laws were really enforced in this movie technically all of those items that he left behind as gifts to people would have changed the future quite drastically. Then again this isn't a TRUE time travel movie where scientific laws apply. All in all the movie is great and brings a lot of nostalgia. Who else remembers this movie growing up?

Tori M.


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