203: Kate & Leopold

It has been since oh...I believe Middle School or High School since I saw this and it was a girls night with my friends. I can say that I didn't catch most of the things I did this time around!!! I used to watch this all the time because I loved Meg Ryan movies. So I didn't notice that the moment that Stuart and Leopold fall off the bridge in the beginning and Kate feels the elevator stop and hesitate that that was the first sign of things changing with him coming to the future. What with him being the inventor of the elevator and all. I also didn't know why Stuart was laughing at the beginning while they were having a speech about the 'erection' of the Brooklyn Bridge until of course now that I am older. It was hilarious and so I would have done the same thing as he did. Ha, ha. We all have our immature moments.

There was more that I understood with the concept of time changing and the science behind it this time around since it has been awhile. The little mention of his butler Otis inscribed on the elevator wall when she leaves to go to the ceremony to be given the role of Senior Vice President and then the detail of her dress changing to how the style was in the 18th century when she lands there in the end. Also the cop in the beginning telling him to pick up the poop of the dog, I was like, "That's Abilene from The Help!!!!" and of course so much more that she has been in, but I had no idea she was in one of my favorite movies in my teens.

I can appreciate this movie more now that I am older and understand it more, older and wiser kind of thing, also the fact that we are all in a place where we take things for granted that people didn't in the past. Where did the courtship go? Where did the courtesy towards one another go? What about saying what was right and what we felt? Leopold, can I go back in time with you too?

Tori M.


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