201: Just Married

Seeing this movie again, I really miss her!!!! She was so funny and the way these two played off each other's clumsiness and humor was like a match made in comedy heaven. I think you could make a drinking game out of how many times they stumble or hit their heads or cause an accident. I mean for a honeymoon, they really had a horrible one that was far from lucky. For one, they didn't even get lucky the entire trip with obstacles like tiredness from wedding night, obnoxious bodily gas from a flyer having too much Mexican food in the bathroom, setting a hotel room plug on fire, getting caught in a snow bank in the Alps, being stuck in a run down cockroach infested pensione in Italy and finally her ex showing up and more fighting. This really shows just how hard a wedding, honeymoon and marriage can be in the beginning.

Although I doubt many people have the bad luck that this couple did. In the end I am glad it all worked out, it took them to relive their horrible honeymoon to realize that life is not supposed to be perfect and that they really do love each other despite their not so great personality traits and the baggage that comes along with them. Not saying I long for a relationship just like this, but I mean it definitely shows you what not to do and what to expect and work on. I pulled way too much deeper meaning from this than the previous movie, it took my mom coming home to cheer me from my funk. Love the movie and just like Sarah says in the movie, maybe not word for word, but love can be enough.

Tori M.


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