189: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

Now I had initially wanted to add this onto my adventure, then I said I wouldn't, well it is back as you can see. I know it is technically a tv mini series, but so was 10th Kingdom, Alice and Comanche Moon and I included those. They are so well done that they feel like movies to me. I finished this yesterday but I was so exhausted that I wouldn't have been able to write anything good and I just wanted to go to bed. Long, hard, hot, week and then there is all the cotton flying in the air. I am doing better today in sense of not being exhausted, but I have a huge sinus headache and had to take some allergy medicine on top of the two I already take daily.

So I loved this book so much and of course it was when I was chapters away from being done, I found out that it was made into the visual world! I think I kind of died a little, because I was really excited. Once I finished the book, bought this and then watched it a couple years ago I fell in love with it all over again. If you are a book reader and lover, you know that adaptations on film or television can be a little scary. Will they get it right? Will they take their own creative liberties? Well, I will tell you that with this it is EXACTLY like the book. I mean the ending of it was a little different with Strange, Norrell and the tower, but you know what I am fine with that. I mean he still came back to see Arabella to see if she was okay, just not in the way it happened in the book.

I will say that if you haven't read the book or even seen this show or both, you must. If you love magic and period settings, then seriously plunge into this world. You won't regret it. And to leave you with something....I will do a great quote from when Strange is on the peninsula.

General: Who are you?
Jonathan: I am Strange.
General: Indeed.

Tori M.


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